V2 Cigs Reviews

Average User Rating:V2 Cigs Reviews, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating (see user reviews):

V2 Cigs

V2 CigsWebsite: www.v2cigs.com

Flavors: 4.5/5

Nicotine Levels: 4/5

Convenience: 4.5/5

Shipping: 4.5/5

Coupon Code: No known ongoing coupon codes at this time…but they always have awesome clearance deals.
Visit V2 Cigs

Details: V2 claim to be the most popular brand of electronic cigarettes in the US and maybe they are.

They have a wide variety of starter packs to suit all pockets and a large range of flavors. Cola anyone?

Four different color batteries are available along with color coded cartridges to match the flavors. No-one is going to think you are smoking a real cigarette with these!

The range of Nicotine levels is limited so we suggest you go for a stronger level first and then work your way down.

Flavors: American Tobacco, Congress Tobacco (smoother and lighter), Turkish Tobacco, Menthol, Peppermint, Coffee, Cherry, Vanilla, Chocolate, Cola

Nicotine Levels: Zero (0mg), Light (6mg), Medium (12mg), Full (18mg)

Design: Standard 2-piece design which has the atomiser built into the cartridge. Very easy to use with no mess from the sealed disposable cartridges. The cartridges are color coded to match the flavors which is a nice touch and the standard batteries come in either black, white or blue. The ‘shorty’ battery is blue and the ‘long’ battery an elegant chrome.

Simple carry cases are available as are Portable Charging Cases.

Kit: The Economy Kit contains: 1 batteries, 10 Cartridges, USB charger, Wall charger, User Manual

The Standard Kit contains the same but with 2 batteries.

The Ultimate Kit contains the same but with 3 batteries, 25 cartridges, a car charger and Carry Case.

Guarantees / Warranties: 30 day money-back guarantee on starter kits and a lifetime warranty.

Customer Service: Support is first class and shipping fast and reliable.

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V2 Cigs User Reviews

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Updated: September 23, 2013 by eCigFreak

One Comment

  1. My Rating

    First tried V2 cigs six months ago and found them a little weak. I then tried a couple of others, different strengths, etc. I’m now back with V2 full strength and they are the most satisfying I’ve tried. I now only smoke a couple of normal cigs a day and aim to cut this to zero over the next month.

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